Gender Pay Gap

The Gender Pay Gap is the difference between the average hourly pay of women and men.

Today, the mean pay for women is higher throughout the company. Women earn £1.28 for every £1 that men make when comparing the median hourly salary.

When comparing mean (average) hourly pay, women’s income is 37% higher than men’s. Women also hold 20% of the highest-paid jobs and 14% of the lowest-paid.

The median gender pay gap is the midpoint in men’s and women’s hourly earnings. The median pay at LondonEnergy is 1.6% in favour of women.

The mean bonus pay gap favours women at 14.3%, and the median bonus pay gap is 33.3%, favouring men.

It is important to note that the Gender Pay Gap differs from equal pay, a legal requirement that men and women must get equal pay for ‘equal work’.

Quartile Analysis

The figures below show the breakdown of male and female employees across different pay bands.

  • Female
  • Male

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